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United States Came Very Close To Losing Democracy


United States Came Very Close To Losing Democracy

As a proud citizen of this Great Nation of the United States of America, l would like my international and domestic readers to know that the event, the public Mutiny as organized by certain disgruntled Republicans on January 6, 2021, at the United States Capitol, the Seat of the Government of the United States of America, was a Coup, specifically designed to overthrow the Government. Yes, you read me right…to overthrow the Government of the United States.

It is apparent to me that many people are not aware that democracy in the United States on January 6, 2021, came close like a hair line to crumbling into Fascism and Autocracy.

It was only by God’s intervention that prevented the United States, a beacon of democracy in the World from crumbling like a Calabash.

Since January 6, 2021 Mutiny, my faith in the United States democracy have completely shattered and changed. I now come to an unequivocal conclusion that any country, no matter how long she has endured and practiced democracy could easily crumble with a leader that has disdain for democratic principles.

Having noted the above disappointment and despicable display to destroying democracy in the United Ststes, it would be a miscarriage of fact if l fail to recognize certain offices without mentioning their names that ultimately saved America from collapse.

These offices were not recognized as expected for the roles it played to saving democracy in the United States.

I give Mighty Glory of God to the Men and Women of the Bench of the United States Judiciary. These Honorable Judges and Justices (both Democrats and Republicans) helped to saving democracy by debunking the lies that presidential election of 2020 was stolen.

These Honorable Justices included members of the United States Supreme Court showed that bribery, harassment and intimidation have no place on the Bench.

In line to salute included the Secretary of State of the Great State of Georgia, the Governor of Georgia and State of Georgia Election Officials. These group of Patriotic individuals helped in greater measures to saving American Democracy. I salute all of you.

Next in line are the Swing States (Michigan, Georgia, Nevada, Arizona and Pennsylvania) whose officials, mainly Republicans were Patriotic with love of America in their hearts.

These Swing States Officials helped to strengthen democracy that we all are enjoying today. The officials of these Swing States had refused to be manipulated and bribed. They love their country and recognized that in election, losing and winning are two fundamental dimensions and would not succumb to destroying a nation for any particular leader. They believed that leaders come and goes. I salute these Swing States.

Next in line was the then Office of the Vice President who was a Republican and a perfect gentleman.

This Vice President was a target of assassination by hanging. Many people did not realize that an execution Post was brazenly constructed at the premises of the Capitol…to me, a shameful desecration of America since 1776. I thank God that Vice President’s life was saved.

Next in line to salute were the Security Operatives that paid with their lives while defending democracy. May their souls continue to rest in the Lord.

I also included the United States Military that refused to capitalize on the insurgency to seize power by force and truncate democracy. The Military had refused calls by certain elements to get involved, but refused.

Next in line were the Republican and Democratic Members of the Congress that confronted tyranny in the midst of threats of their lives and intimidation to certify the rightful winner of the election. Kudos to them.

Next in line to salute are the American Voters, both Republicans and Democrats that rightfully defended their votes by standing in solidarity with the President-elect.

Finally, the lesson of January 6, 2021, came as an eye opener that democracy is as fragile as a new born baby.

The photos of the Coup attempt were very traumatic to many, especially immigrants that escaped such horrific scenes from their native countries.

Many stood in awe as the doors and windows of the Congress were shattered as the Floor of the Sacred Congress that has been in place since 1776 was ruthlessly decimated and infrastructures smashed.

I want to salute the investigative Team of January 6, 2021 Commission and encourage her to pursue relentlessly the truth of what took place on the fateful morning of January 6, 2021, and anyone found culpable be held accountable irrespective of who is involved.

I still think and dream of January 6, 2021 Assault at the Capitol. Could it be that as a little boy, l narrowly escaped death from diseases, flying bullets and falling bombs in my native Nigeria during her genocidal war against my tiny nation of Biafra? I became sensitive and unease to watching the mutiny at the Capitol because it brought back sad memories of viciousness and brutality.

Thank God that the situation never progressed into Civil War. We should be mindful of such reoccurrence and never to take democracy for granted.

I thank God Almighty for using the aforementioned group of individuals to save democracy in the United States of America and in furtherance of the Kingdom of God on Earth.

The United States of America is a great Country and her people love their country very much with passion in their hearts

It’s been my pleasure….

Henry Otulle Eke, KSC
Social Critic & Civil Rights Investigator
Austin, Texas, United States

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