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The Social Media Propangandists Against New Heights Consultants hospital at it again


The Social Media Propangandists Against New Heights Consultants hospital at it again

the truth of the matter…

Our attention has been drawn to a sponsored malicious, venomous, defamatory and destructive publication being spread on social media by a group of faceless individuals operating in Port Harcourt Rivers state who of course are engaging in an unhealthy competition in the medical practice hence their resort to pull down their perceived competitors.

Firstly, let me state emphatically that the proponents of this baseless and false rumour came up with same slander in June 2017 which has the potential of misleading the reading public and dragging the reputation of the hospital to public odium.

Probably, the master minders and orchestrators of the diet of lies which is aimed at causing disrepute to the age-long highly earned medical reputation built by New Heights Consultants are afraid of the Hospital’s rising profile in the health sector and medical practice.

Nevertheless, it is important to note that New Heights Consultants have attained a feat and standard in medical practice which is now the envy of these propagandists whose stock in trade is to stigmatize leading medical or health institutions leveraging on the gullibility of majority of Nigerians who sip hook, line and sinker any information at their finger- tips without investigations.

For the records, the social media was first set agog on Monday 5th June 2017 with the fictitious post captioned “RE: KILLER ALERT!!!! Some group of blood thirsty occultists who go by the name “New Heights Consultants Hospital” located at plot 200 Rumuogba Estate beside Genesis Hotel Port Harcourt River State have invaded us”.

The Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) Rivers state chapter under the leadership of Dr. D.D Alasia did not dilly dally to constitute a committee from the clinical governance unit and private doctors monitoring team which immediately went into action to investigate the veracity of the venomous post which is capable of inducing ignominy and opprobrium to the Nigeria Medical Association at large and the Rivers state chapter in particular.

However, the Dr. D.D Alasia led NMA chapter of Rivers state came up with findings after thorough investigations and assessment of the New Heights Consultants facilities, ascertain its registration status, verify the qualifications of the practitioners in the said facility, verify the facility case trend and mortality records etc.

The River State chapter of NMA also requested for a formal petition to be sent to the NMA River State by the proponents of the story for referral to the professional ethics and disciplinary committee and the River State Director of medical Services, ministry of health, yet no official or formal petition was tendered till this day.

It is also note-worthy that a thorough investigation was also carried out by Dr. H.A.M Sota who was the chairman of the Association of General and private medical practitioner of Nigeria Rivers State chapter and his team as at the time of this false post in 2017. Dr. H.A M Sota stated and I quote; “I can say the allegations are spurious, malicious, totally baseless and unfounded. He stated that the hospital records are very transparent and professionally detailed adding that the post was a malicious one”.

The Rivers State NMA chairman issued their own official statement stating as thus, “New Heights Hospital is run by a licensed medical practitioner and has qualified medical Doctors in its employ rendering health care services. We spoke to patients on admission who expressed satisfaction with the services they receive.
The spectrum of people on admission were orthopaedic patients who had previously been mismanaged by traditional bone setters. Quality of service was acceptable in line with ethics and algorithm of service delivery.
The hospital records show that there was no death reported since January 2016 till March 2016 when it moved to the new site near Genesis. The patients on admission expressed shock at the stories which they also heard. There is no substance to the social media allegations and we advise the public to ignore the stories. We implore the public to report any concerns on service issues through our stated channels and we are sure we will deal with it speedily and honestly’’. Thank you Dr Alasia Chairman NMA Rivers State.

It is in the light of the above that we therefore state as follows:

  1. That the proponents of this malicious publication should desist from destroying the reputation of New Heights Hospital.
  2. That New Heights Hospital is not in competition with any hospital hence does not expect any Hospital to be in competition with New Heights Consultants as that is an unhealthy practice and does not promote or encourage the ethics of professionalism.
  3. That defamation is a criminal offence under the penal code of the law of the federal republic of Nigeria.
  4. That we are not threatened by the meteoric rise of any hospital therefore we advise that no hospital should be threatened by our fame which is a product of hard work, quality service and God’s guidance, as we only treat but God is the ultimate healer.
  5. That the health sector should not be turned into a political razzmatazz where propaganda and calumny is the order of the day.
  6. That the Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) should as a matter of urgency investigate and ensure that the architects of this spurious act are brought to book in other to serve as a deterrent to others and to save the reputation of the health sector.
  7. That the act of defamation should not be treated with kid gloves consequent upon section 375 of the criminal code act.

Make no mistakes about it, the architect of this malicious post are threatened by the success and existence of New Heights Hospital, Rumuogba Port-Harcourt Rivers state.

These devil incarnates in human form have come again to steal, kill and destroy but they shall be exposed as Ephesians chapter 5 verse 11 says and I quote, “ take no part in the fruitless deeds of darkness rather expose them “.

It is an aberration for a medical institution charged with the responsibility of saving lives to destroy other health institutions with the utmost belief that it is the way to remain relevant. We sincerely hope that this is not the case in the present situation.

Finally, we want to state that available record shows that New Heights Consultant Hospitals is a certified and licensed hospital that met all established standard of registration in accordance with all relevant laws of River State, Nigeria and other relevant authorities and our facilities and equipment are second to none.

We are committed with the responsibility of saving lives and cannot in any manner, form or guise be involved in the demonic and satanic act as alleged by the perpetrator of the malicious post.

We therefore urge the sponsors of the baseless publication to recall the book of Galatians chapter 6 vs 7 which says, “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will reap”. For he who sows to the flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the spirit will of the spirit reap everlasting life”.

Enough is enough of such defamatory, malicious, and barbaric post which aims at maligning the repute of the medical practice at large.


New Heights Consultants Hospital,
Plot 200 Estate Road, Rumuogba,
Port Harcourt, Rivers State.

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