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Skills that can land you good job opportunities in 2024 are numerous. In this age of science and technology, what skills do you have? The significant evolution in global job market is not greater than the current trends in tech. This is because technology have permeated almost every areas of our life thereby impacting the way jobs are executed. Tech skills have become the reason for improved productivity and efficiency in job delivery. It therefore holds to say that skills that correlate with the global technology is needed to be able to fit into the current ways of doing things.

Fortunately, as technologies continues to advance and industries transformed, certain skills have become necessary and most valuable. For anyone to remain relevant in the job market, the above tech skills are very important:

Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning

AI have revolutionized industries and greatly impacted the ways problems are solved, learning, reasoning, understanding language and integration of human characteristics into machine and computer system. AI tools are deployed in big companies to run things human beings have traditionally done. In fact, the discovery of Chat GPT and other AI tools have significant impact in our thinking process. People now use Chat GPT to write essays and develop explanations to complex issues. All you need to do is write what you need the computer do and consider it done. Professionals and experts in this area are in high demand Their salaries ranges over $150,000 to $250,000. There are hundreds of online institutions that can teach machine learning and artificial intelligence, like Coursera etc.

Data Analysis and Analytics:

Big companies have run into complex issues as a result of big data. Apple, Samsung, Microsoft, Google, Nvidia, Meta, Amazon etc. are companies with big data. As a result, it requires the service of data analysts who can help in collection, classification interpretation and storage of data. Their salaries ranges from $118,000 to $170,000.

Cyber security

As companies have significantly embraced computer, threats of sophisticated length have increased thereby making the service of cyber security experts very important. In fact, cyber security experts are needed even in government institutions, and in international organizations to fight virus and other cyber threats.  The need for them have increased significantly with a very juicy salary.

Cloud computing

Remote job have increased and people can comfortably work from their various homes. It therefore makes experts in cloud infrastructure, migration and management highly in demand.

Full Stack Developer

The transformation in digital marketing have made the need for developers who are knowledgeable in both front-end and back-end development are in high demand.

Other important areas include but not limited to Renewable energy, healthcare p

rofessionals, digital marketing, blogging etc. Our world is fast growing and those who are left in the process are those who have chosen not to get one or two of the above skills

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