Our Churches And Brethren Are The Architects Of Chinmark’s Misfortune
I pray that readers, especially those who have approached me to mentor them alongside some other people who also approach me for spiritual fathering which I do decline. When I dismiss their request / approach with “I can’t and I’m not qualified”, “we can only be friends that can learn from each other”, “friends that will watch one anothers back” they usually think is part of humility and spirituality on my side without knowing that that is the plain truth I told them without trace of humility or spirituality attachment.
As you all know Chinmark is like a younger brother to me going by his age, so I derive no joy in dragging him as majority of you are doing… By God’s Grace I’m reading Religion and Theology to a Ph.D level. It baffles me how most of us who studied Religion and Theology misrepresent the vocation and the course of study with all these we exhibit here in Africa. I wonder why our African man religious mentality is diferent from the white people (Westerners).
You know why I’m pittying Chinmark is because Church (generically) that is supposed to guide and regulate his lifestyle was busy praising and using him as a point of reference and standard of a blessed man or God’s blessing and an icon of blessedness to other members of the Church who are legitimately struggling to succeed but considered by materialistic episcopa and anointed men and women of God as no do wells. Church doesnt care the sources through which money is coming from again.
What’s my annoyance in these whole thing? Some men or preachers and brethrem idolised Chinmark as a symbol of humility for dancing as David danced, for carrying camera to snap during Church service and for knelling to be prayed for and at the end they will say “tell me why God no go bless am, God doesn’t joke with a humble rich person like The Red King but a poor man like you who hasn’t gone or seen anything in life is finding it difficult to give to God, to play drums and serve in the house of God and tomorrow you will like to be like Chinmark, humble yourself God resists proud blablabla”.
Finally my brethren in the Lord, it’s better to be insignificant in that Church than to end the way Chinmark is ending now, that’s why I don’t mentor people at the moment until I’m sure of myself to a reasonable extent… no need of faking qualified else I Chinmark you. A poor man who is a church worker might be serving for long without been noticed, his or her humility and resourcefulness can’t be seen and commended untill he or she becomes Chinmark and you will automatically become a unit of measurement to those considered as non achievers while in the real sense you silently and legitimately achieving. All we have God gave us!
PrinceJoseph C M Nwosu-Okorie