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Okigwe zone: Changing the development narrative – The Ohakim perceptive


Okigwe zone: Changing the development narrative – The Ohakim perceptive

By Chigozie Uzosike

In the midst of the frenzy of the politicking ahead of the 2023 general elections, it will be proper to capture an effigy whose character defines what the electorate are looking at for.

The man is the former governor of Imo State, His Excellency, Chief Dr. Ikedi Godson Ohakim.

Given the tangible development which he brought to bear during his reign as the number one citizen of Imo State, especially as it concerns setting the template for people-oriented governance, the people of Okigwe zone, senatorial district are indeed favored that Ohakim has decided to echo their demands at the Senate. If strong voices are needed at the Senate, then the one man that matches this job is Ochinawanta as I fondly call him.

Given that within the aperture of time, I suspect that Ochinawanta has found the right time to make his interest known for the betterment of the people of Okigwe zone. What a time to make representation memorable.

Going through the rectos and vectos of the newspapers, one would no longer need another conviction that Ohakim’s time is here and because he understands time and season, his coming has become pertinent.

Let the people of Imo State and in particular the citizens of Okigwe zone sound the news of Ochinawanta’s senatorial move to the auditory perception of all and sundry for eternal reverberation.

Chief Dr. Ikedi Godson Ohakim is humane, urbane, down to earth, charismatic, understanding, father of sort to all that come across him, large hearted, listening ear even when one is talking in-vacuo, he listens to the end of your submission because he knows that in every nonsense, there might be trace of sense. He is a man who doesn’t fly with negativity, he tries to bring all and sundry on board for developmental purposes, that’s the kind of man we need.

It is his identity and second nature that in/through him, people are happy, heaving sigh of relief because a touch of favour has located one. Yours sincerely was a beneficiary, even though, it was shortlived.

For keen keepers of history, let it be known that upon this road of philanthropy and development of Imo State, especially in Okigwe zone when he was governor, a man, known as Ohakim has actually passed through this path, not like any other but with impressive impression that leaves impact for generational illumination and paradigm shift. If he could do it as a governor, doing it again as a senator will be a walk-over.

I am talking about a man who understands that development does not have political party/affiliation nor religious inclination, development affects all, so the people of Okigwe zone will begin to experience impactful leadership driven by passion and commitment at the emergence of Ochinawanta.

I am not praise singing but I am rather presenting, trying to capture an effigy, of whom I may not have all it takes to market… suffice it to say that, a contact with this man, leaves you with an impactful experience that is contagious to fancy. That’s the model and perceptive of representation I am talking about.

In the market place of political representation, where lots of good politicians are displayed, one has to hit that market with the best, with a man that’s marketable, acceptable, irresistible, responsible, has the finesse, contacts, character and negotiating/lobbying power because the Senate should not be for the easily cowed and intimidated.

That man fit for the job is Ochinawanta. Okigwe zone must not gamble with that chance.

I remember one of the statements of Ohakim when he was governor…’If you say, I am arrogant, you are wrong…but if you say that Ohakim is confident and bold, I will agree with you.’ Indeed, Ohakim is confident and bold and those are the credentials for the Senate.

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