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Ohakim: Rev Father Eustace Okorie and Frank Nwete’s Attempt At Blackmail


Ohakim: Rev Father Eustace Okorie and Frank Nwete’s Attempt At Blackmail

By Obidike Nwagwu Esq

To those who don’t know him, Frank Nwete’s latest attempt at blackmail against the person of the former governor of Imo State, Dr Ikedi Ohakim, would have been taken seriously, had he not delved into blatant falsehood, when he attempted to cash in on the already publicly refuted lie about Father Eustace Okorie.

Frank Nwete reminded Ndi Imo and Nigerians as a whole, of a lie that created eight of the worst years in the history of this state. A lie, everybody involved in propagating, have since publicly apologised to Dr Ikedi Ohakim for.

But in his ignorance, Frank Nwete chose that falsehood as his failed blackmail tool.

For us who know Frank Nwete and his stock in trade very well, the direction of his attacks at the person of Dr Ikedi Ohakim is clear.

It becomes even more hilarious when you see Frank Nwete, an attachment staff at the Federal University of Technology FUTO, claiming to be a journalist. Which paper is Frank Nwete writing for?

Frank Nwete writes for whoever is oiling his pocket. A serial blackmailer, whose stock in trade is attacking anybody he is paid to attack, with all manner of falsehood.

Unfortunately, attacking Dr Ikedi Ohakim is rather a waste of time, as Imo people are no longer interested in listening to lies, the same type, that landed us in trouble in 2011.

Dr. Ikedi Ohakim did not call Frank Nwete neither did he threaten him and that is a fact. Dr Ikedi Ohakim has no time for blackmailers, whose stock in trade is to look for who to hold hostage with their falsehood.

We had all heard doctored audio clips in 2010 and 2011, where Dr Ikedi Ohakim allegedly insulted Imo people. Those, and the lie about flogging a Reverend Father, for which in his stupidity, Frank Nwete does not know that Rev Father Ejike Mbaka have since revealed the truth, were the tools used by the same type of people sponsoring Frank Nwete today, to put Imo State through the darkest time in our history.

You tried to pull Dr Orikeze Ajumbe and Citizen Samuelson Iwuoha into your failed blackmail attempt, but didn’t realise that both men you mentioned are very close friends of Dr Ikedi Ohakim.

Dr. Orikeze Ajumbe was at Dr Ikedi Ohakim’s house recently, to urge him to join the All Progressives Congress APC, and there are pictorial evidence to that effect.

So it Frank Nwete’s allegations held any water, Dr Orikeze Ajumbe, wouldn’t have been at Dr Ikedi Ohakim’s house, neither will Citizen Samuelson Iwuoha, who has never expressed fear in his life, always be on the forefront of defending Dr Ikedi Ohakim’s name, against peddlers of falsehood, whenever he sees them.

Frank Nwete’s name has become synonymous with blackmail against political figures, once he is paid by their opponents. His attacks against Chief Willie Amadi some time ago, led to Mr. Ikenna Onuoha, exposing the filthy character of Frank Nwete.

Knowing his character as a bottom feeder, no responsible political figure have openly identified with Frank Nwete, as such association would only have negetaive effects to their own image.

I advise Frank Nwete to face his job at FUTO, have becomemore time for his family by becoming more of a responsible father who doesn’t go chasing after other people’s wives, and stop being a tool in the hands of unscrupulous characters.

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